Author: HOA Admin - Connecting Communities

What Is Term Life Insurance and Why Do you Need It

As opposed to whole or permanent life insurance, term life insurance provides coverage for only a specific amount of time. Once the policy expires, the money provided by the policy goes back into your estate. The purpose of term life insurance is to provide protection for your family during a temporary crisis such as unemployment,…
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Tips to stay on track for retirement if you are in the phoenix area

Phoenix is known as the city where dreams come true. That’s why it is such a great place to call home. However, many people who live here can find themselves struggling financially once they reach retirement age. This is especially true of those who have not built their nest egg before retirement. The good news…
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Signs you need to replace your Denver A/C unit

If you’re like many people, you probably have a home that has an air conditioner that just doesn’t seem to cool the room down anymore. You may even notice that the compressor seems to work harder than necessary. In addition, you might be noticing some other symptoms that are indicative of needing a replacement air…
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Why you should choose ceramic tiles for this summer in Denver

How do you plan to spend your summer vacation? Whether you are going to travel or stay at home, you want to ensure that you take time off to relax and enjoy your free time. If you are looking for something fun to do, why not try ceramic tile installation in your house to keep…
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Top areas to live in Denver for first-time home buyers

The United States is huge, why would it be good to consider living in Denver? Which area would it be the best for first-time homebuyers to live in Denver? Let’s talk about it! Denver is one of America’s best cities for business, education, entertainment, and living. It ranks high on Forbes Magazine’s list of Best…
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Top low-risk investment options for the Denver area this 2022

Financial planning tools allow you to calculate different scenarios for your future personal and professional goals. You will be able to see if your individual situation will provide adequate resources to achieve your long-term financial goals or if you need to adjust your budgeting strategy. How? Five Rings Financial has financial professionals with the knowledge…
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Phoenix Top Low-Income mortgage loan options for this 2022

Phoenix home loans offer low rates and flexible terms. The City of Phoenix has several programs designed to help first-time homebuyers. What options are available to those who don’t qualify for conventional loans? For decades, homeownership has been the American Dream. Homeownership provides stability, financial security, and pride in ownership. In recent years, however, rising…
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Top Passive income options in Phoenix for this 2022

How would you describe a passive income stream? Is it something that you can start today or is it more like a long-term goal? Would you need a financial advisor like Kyle Fuller from Factum Financial to know your current options? A passive income stream is where you don’t actively work to earn money. This…
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Phoenix short term investments for your money this 2022

Are you looking for ways to invest your savings or retirement funds? If yes, then you should consider investing in Phoenix’s short-term investment options. This article will provide you with information regarding these types of investments, and provide Edge Home Finance Corporation’s contact information due to their experienced team being ready to assist you. Short-term…
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What it Takes to Restore Flood Damage in Denver Homes

Denver has seen over $30 million dollars worth of damage from flooding this year alone, giving us an idea of what it takes to restore flood damage in Denver homes. Many homes have been damaged due to the flood waters that have inundated the city. With the recent rains, water levels are still rising and…
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