PODCAST: WinByNoon Creator Todd Bookspan Sits Down with HOA.com CEO Brandon Barnum on Raving Referrals & HOA.com

PODCAST: WinByNoon Creator Todd Bookspan Sits Down with HOA.com CEO Brandon Barnum on Raving Referrals & HOA.com

Join WinByNoon Creator Todd Bookspan Sits Down with HOA.com CEO Brandon Barnum on Raving Referrals & HOA.com on the Your Neighborhood Real Estate Show for an in-depth podcast discussing how to earn more referrals with the ‘The Art of the Ask’.

Did you know: 84% of B2B sales start with a referral, but most professionals feel weird asking for them and setting up a system to get them more consistently. When we do a good job at serving people and delivering value, they actually want to see us succeed – and a referral would naturally take place if we just asked, or better yet, if we set the stage for it from day 1. It’s as simple as A.S.K to G.E.T.

Ultimately, a referral is a transfer of trust, and when we take them seriously and intentionally build those partnerships, it’s a huge gamechanger. How do we make it easier to ask for referrals? What are some of the biggest mistakes we make with referrals? In today’s episode, I’m joined by the author of Raving Referrals and the CEO of HOA.com, Brandon Barnum. He shares why referrals are the secret weapon of your business and the blueprint for increasing them.

View full show notes at YourNeighborhoodRealEstateShow.com

About Brandon Barnum:

Brandon Barnum is the author of Raving Referrals: The Proven Step-By-Step System to Attract Profitable Prospects and the CEO of HOA.com. A seasoned expert with Visionary Leadership, Brandon has been building tech companies for over 25 years. As founder and CEO of HOA.com, Brandon is committed to Connecting Communities and Helping Homeowners Connect with Professionals They Can Trust. Most recently, was Co-Founder and President of Refer.com (now Pod.io), the world’s largest referral network of over 5 million members in 180+ countries. With clients stretching from Antarctica to Zimbabwe, Brandon’s nurturing and compassionate style comes out in everything he does. His leadership philosophy is that “the fastest path to prosperity comes through communication and collaboration.” Brandon’s high-touch/high-tech companies help others achieve record sales and real wealth. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, Brandon’s global network of influencers are making a significant, game-changing impact on the world of business.

Get a free chapter of Raving Reviews at https://ravingreferrals.com/.

Head to https://hoa.com/ for more information on how to become a Certified Pro in the network!


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