Show Your Thanks with Community Impact

Show Your Thanks with Community Impact

The season of gratitude is upon us and there are several ways you can show your thanks! At, we believe in making a big impact in our community and often, it starts with one small gesture from you.

Here’s a list of 10 things you can do to show your appreciation and gratitude while making someone’s day.

  1. Go above the “Thank You.” Be specific in telling others just how much they mean to you and why.
  2. Thank your local businesses by giving them love online.
  3. Invite extra friends over to your home for Thanksgiving dinner.
  4. Decorate your home with festive and gratitude-themed décor inside and out.
  5. Support a local charity with your time, treasure or talents and encourage your family to lend a hand, too!
  6. Surprise others by sending handwritten Thanksgiving cards.
  7. Smile, say hi and strike up a conversation with people you meet on the street. Being kind has a lasting ripple effect.
  8. Donate a turkey dinner with all the fixings to a family who is less fortunate this holiday season.
  9. Share extras with your neighbors like your favorite treats and cookies.
  10. Serve at a homeless shelter or orphanage.

So many ways to make an impact in others’ lives and in our community. How are you showing your thanks this season?

Share a photo spreading love and thanks by Monday, November 28th on the Facebook Page and you’ll be entered in to win a prize from along with a donation to your favorite charity from us!

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