Tag: business

HOA.com - Connecting Communities

PODCAST: Tisha Talks with CEO Brandon Barnum on Raving Referrals & HOA.com

#tishatalks LIVE is back in the studio today with special guest Brandon Barnum, CEO of HOA.com and author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling book Raving Referrals. Today, we’re diving into a discussion on how to do just that – building your business through raving referrals!  As business owners, having a solid business plan, trucks…
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Top areas to live in Denver for first-time home buyers

The United States is huge, why would it be good to consider living in Denver? Which area would it be the best for first-time homebuyers to live in Denver? Let’s talk about it! Denver is one of America’s best cities for business, education, entertainment, and living. It ranks high on Forbes Magazine’s list of Best…
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What you really need to know this 2022 about Financial Freedom

Can you imagine having enough savings to retire early by achieving financial freedom? Not only would it allow you to live free from working, but also spend your time doing what you love. The concept of living off investments has been around for centuries. For some, it means saving aggressively during their career and investing…
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5 Crazy Trends In The Mortgage Industry You May See in 2022 if You Are in the Austin Area!

Mortgage trends change all the time, particularly when it comes to technology. Some things suddenly emerge out of nowhere and alter our life. We don’t see them at first, but once they appear, we can’t imagine how we lived before the shift. Despite the fact that the business is only a few years old, it…
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5 Creative ways you can Improve your lending

Stacey Dowling of Synergy One Lending located in Denver is an expert in lending. Lending is the act of providing a sum of money, property, or other assets to a person or organization in exchange for a promise to repay it later. The conditions of lending transactions are decided on a mutually agreed-upon basis; however,…
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Why You Should Hire a Painting Company for Interior Walls in Phoenix

Painting takes far more than just paintbrushes. Robert Mausbach is a premier pro painter who can help you improve your home. To be able to paint a house, you must be prepared with safety equipment, caulk, and repair tools. Painting the interior of your home is the quickest and most economical method to give it…
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Quick & Easy Steps to Maintain Artificial Turf in Phoenix, AZ

Turf is artificial grass, and it is very common in the Phoenix area. This is because the grass is not regularly grown in the area as it is so dry and warm. If this sounds like your yard, then trust in professionals who can come out and provide the grass you want and need to…
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10 Reasons to Invest in Home Security System

Not only home invasions but also home theft. Over ten percent of all burglaries involve forcible entry into the home by use of force or threat (FBI). With home security becoming increasingly important, it makes sense to make sure your home is secure. The home security industry is growing by 23% in 2010; it seems…
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How to Identify if Your Home has Mold in Denver, CO

Mold can be difficult to track in a home. Mold involves fungi that feed on cellulose, often found in clay-based paints, carpeting, or fabrics, and when there is too much moisture, mold can begin to grow. Mold spores are typically microscopic so the only way to actually see them is by using magnification devices such…
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Why Gilbert is the Perfect City for Solar Panels

As a city, Gilbert has many assets that make it the perfect place for solar panels. This article will outline three reasons why this is true—its location in the Valley of the Sun, its wealth of local businesses, and its thoughtful city plan. 1.) Location The first reason that Gilbert is an ideal candidate for…
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